Esta antología reflexiona sobre el significado para la democracia social y política del feminismo, de las madres de desaparecidos, las mujeres del movimiento urbano-popular, las guerrilleras, las sindicalistas, la triple lucha de las mujeres indígenas, la consolidación del movimiento lésbico, la disputa por la ciudadanía plena de las mujeres afrohaitianas, la organización de las desempleadas, la creciente participación femenina en la política formal y la institucionalización de la perspectiva de género.
Maier, Elizabeth
Haiti: Women in Conquest of Full and Total Citizenship in an Endless Transition
Résumé :
This chapter discusses the transitional state of Haiti since the Duvalier regime, characterising the country as marked by a series of crises which continue to make the lives of Haitians extremely difficult. To understand the geopolitical stakes and the terms of the current issue, it is important to also understand the context of the situation. For some years now, almost all analytic texts on Haiti take as a point of departure the difficult junction of transition that the country has been experiencing, in fact, since the fall of the Duvalier dictatorship in February 1986.