This report is submitted by MADRE (an ECOSOC accredited NGO), KOFAVIV FAVILEK, KONAMAVID, Women’s Link Worldwide, and the International Women’s Human Rights Clinic, City University of New York School of Law. It focuses on the epidemic of gender-based violence in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in post-earthquake Haiti.
International Women's Human Rights (IWHR) Clinic at CUNY School of Law
Lutter pour nos vies : La violence et la discrimination à l'égard des femmes haïtiens et des personnes LGBT
La soumission visait à fournir des informations supplémentaires au Comité des droits de l'homme pour son examen du deuxième rapport périodique soumis par l'État haïtien lors de sa 112e session en octobre 2014. Le rapport a examiné le respect par Haïti de ses obligations en vertu du PIDCP et a documenté les violations de plusieurs articles de la Convention concernant les femmes, les filles et les personnes LGBT en Haïti.
Fighting for our Lives: Violence and Discrimination Against Women and LGBT Persons in Haiti
The submission aimed to provide supplementary information to the Human Rights Committee for its consideration of the second periodic report submitted by the Haitian State at its 112th Session in October 2014. The report examined Haiti’s compliance with its obligations under the ICCPR, and documented violations of several articles of the Convention regarding women, girls, and LGBT people in Haiti. The report also includes a series of recommendations for the government of Haiti on concrete measures the State can take to fully uphold and protect the rights of these individuals.